In this post I will discuss about the remaining steps of Oracle APEX installation.
In case you didn't read the part 1, please go through the following link:
Step 3: Apache Tomcat Configuration
Next we are going to deploy Apache Tomcat. Apache Tomcat is one of the most popular web server and servlet container for Java code. It is an open source software and is used for web applications written in Java that don't require full Java Enterprise Editions specifications, but still need a reliable tool.
Here are the steps to download and install Apache Tomcat.
Download Apache Tomcat using the following URL. Select 32-Bit/ 64-Bit windows service installer and install it.
After downloading Apache Tomcat installer, invoke the .exe file and select 'Normal' for the installation type.
On the configuration screen, set four times 8 for HTTP Connector Port. Enter admin for both username and password and complete the installation process.
Step 4: Final Steps
In the final steps of this installation process we need to copy the contents of the APEX images folder to the web server. Secondly, we have to create a windows firewall rule to allow access to Oracle APEX on the specified port. Once these configurations are in place, we can access Oracle APEX.
a. Copy the contents of apex images folder to Apache's "i" folder. If the "i" folder doesn't exists, create it under the webapps folder and copy the contents
b. Copy the "ords.war" file from D drive to the webapps folder.
c. Create a Windows Firewall rule to allow access to the specified port.
d. Finally, log into Oracle APEX. In a network, replace localhost with the IP address or server name. Enter "Internal" as workspace, "Admin" as Username and Password (whatever specified)
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